- 900 m2 Plot
This land is at Calle San Pablo, 03012, Alicante (Alacant), Alicante, at Pla - Carolinas. It is a land that has 900 m2 . It is property with east. It includes urban.
This land is at Calle San Pablo, 03012, Alicante (Alacant), Alicante, at Pla - Carolinas. It is a land that has 900 m2 . It is property with east. It includes urban.
This land is at Carrer Doctor Buades, 03012, Alacant, Alicante, at Campoamor. It is a sunny land that has 830 m2 . It includes solar, south orientated, buildable, exterior, urban and urbano.
This land is at Calle Alcalá Galiano, 03012, Alicante (Alacant), Alicante, at Carolinas Altas. It is a land that has 146 m2 . It is property with east. Besides, it includes urban and plot.
This land is at Calle Capitán Hernández Mira, 03012, Alicante (Alacant), Alicante. It is a land that has 117 m2 .
Urban land in Alicante Costa Weflen Group presents this 76m2 urban land in Alicante. Possibility of building a residential building to obtain a tourist rental license in an exclusive building. Any... Read More