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The municipality of Valderrobres has an area of 124km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Calaceite has an area of 81km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Fuentespalda has an area of 38km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Cretas has an area of 52km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Alcañiz has an area of 472km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of La Fresneda has an area of 39km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Ráfales has an area of 35km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Pancrudo has an area of 100km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Fórnoles has an area of 32km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Perales del Alfambra has an area of 104km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Argente has an area of 62km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Visiedo has an area of 55km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Arens de Lledó has an area of 34km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Urrea de Gaén has an area of 41km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of Mas de las Matas has an area of 29km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
The municipality of La Ginebrosa has an area of 80km2 and is situated in the region of Aragon.
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