9 min read
Moving can be an exciting experience, but it can also cause stress if it isn’t planned properly. To guarantee a problem-free move, a full checklist can be your best friend. In this article, we offer you a checklist designed to organise your move easily and efficiently. Each step will be covered, from the initial planning to the moment you start unpacking in your new home, so you can tackle this process with confidence and peace of mind.
Start planning your move carefully. Avoid leaving things until the last minute, that way you will minimise the chance of forgetting something important. It is best to start organising the movebetween one and two months before the moving date.

One or two months before the move
Confirm the exact moving date
Make sure your new home will be available on the agreed date so you can complete the move smoothly. If you have done some renovations or refurbishment, leave a few days leeway between the estimated completion date and the moving date, just in case any delay arises. It you are renting, remember to inform the owner of the date you will be leaving the property and agree any details relating to the deposit and handing over the keys.
Evaluate various removal companies and ask for quotes
Compare different options so you can choose the one that suits you best. Do some research and make sure the company is trustworthy and has a licence. To obtain suitable quotes, you should provide detailed information about the move. You will have to specify, for example, the address of both properties and items you need to move, especially if it involves large packages, like furniture. Confirm the date and time the move will take place with the company.
If you aren’t going to be moving any heavy items, you may want to take care of the move yourself. In this case, ask your close friends and family if they could help you. If you are moving with children or pets, consider leaving them with someone you know for the day to make moving easier. Also weigh up whether you need to hire a lorry or van to move all your belongings, and compare prices.
Check if your furniture fits into your new property.
Measure your furniture and make sure that it fits the dimensions of your new home. Think about the layout and whether you would like to move everything you own. Otherwise, consider selling the furniture you won’t need as second-hand items.
If you are living in a furnished rental property, you probably need to buy furniture. In this case, start looking with plenty of time, since it can take several days or weeks to get things delivered. Ensure you measure each room of your new home properly so you can choose the right furniture. Inform the seller of your moving date, so they can deliver your furniture on time.
Book the day off work
You are entitled to a day off work to move home. Some agreements allow for the option of enjoying more than one day, buy you will have to check that with your company. If possible, book a Friday off (or the day before your rest days) so you can make the most of the weekend to unpack. If you already know the specific moving date, book this day in advance so your company can approve it without any issues.
Start the school registration process
Depending on the distance between your current and your new home, you may need to look for new schools or nurseries for your children. Start this process as soon as possible. Look at which schools there are in the area and what type of education you are looking for. Start the school registration process and the transfer of academic records as soon as possible. In some areas or schools there are long waiting lists to get in, so it is a good idea to consider several options.
Two or three weeks before the move
Prepare the packing materials
Here are some of the materials you will need to move your belongings comfortably and securely:
- Cardboard boxes
- Bubble wrap
- Newspaper
- Sticky tape
- Scissors
- Marker pens
If you have hired a removals company, it is likely to be the same company that provides you with lots of the items you will need to pack up your belongings. Contact them to receive the material as soon as you can and buy anything else you need.

Dispose of everything you don't need
We sometimes store things without even remembering they are there. A move can be the perfect time to throw away or donate anything you no longer need and you might not use again. If you would prefer to make some money, you can also sell it on apps for second-hand items.
Take photos of the condition of the furniture
Your furniture will most likely arrive at your new home without any problems. However, if you are going to use a removals company to do the move, it is always best to keep proof of the condition of the furniture before the move. If you live in a rental property, you can also take advantage to take photos of the property before you vacate it. These photos will be extremely useful if you need to make a claim from the removals company or if you receive a complaint from the owner of your old home.
Get your new home ready for your arrival
It is advisable to ensure your home is completely ready for moving day. Check the condition of the property and bear in mind the potential arrangements you will need to carry out:
- Do a deep clean of all the rooms.
- Change the lock if it is a second hand property.
- Ask for the keys to the communal areas if relevant, such as the garage.
- Paint the walls. Make the most of being able to paint your home to your taste before the furniture arrives.
- Make a note of other necessary repairs.
- Update your name on the letterboxes or entry phones.
As we mentioned earlier, if you have to carry out major renovations, make sure they are complete before you move. It is advisable to leave a few days as leeway between the completion date and moving date, since unforeseen circumstances can always arise.
Modify the home insurance contract
If you have home insurance, provide your insurance company with your new address so your policy can be transferred to your new home. They will need to update the details that are different from your old home, such as the number of square metres or the year of construction. Bear in mind that these changes may alter the cost. If you were renting and don’t have home insurance, it might be a good time to compare different companies and take out the insurance and policy that best suits your needs. You should also update your address on any other insurance policies you hold, such as car insurance.
Change or set up the utilities
You will need to set up the utility supplies to your new home:
- Electricity
- Water
- Gas
- Internet
This may take time, so we recommend doing it in advance so everything is ready when you reach your new home.
Update your address
In line with the previous tasks, think about the other important places where you need to update your address:
- Electoral roll: you will need to register yourself if you have changed city or town.
- National Identity Document (DNI): updating your DNI if you change address is free.
- Tax Agency: this is particularly important if you are changing Autonomous Community, since the taxation may be different. You will need to submit form 030 electronically or in person.
- General Directorate of Traffic (DGT). You won’t need to change your driving licence, but you will need to update your contact address and tax residence of your vehicles. You can go to this page of the DGT website to find out how to do it.
- Social Security: you can change it through the electronic office.
- Health card and health centre: find out how to do it in each autonomous community.
- Bank
- Your children’s school, if they haven't moved schools.
One week before the move
Start packing
Packing an entire house into boxes and unpacking them in your new home can be a real headache if you don’t organise it properly. Here, we give you some tips that will make unpacking in your new home much easier:
- Make sure you seal the boxes properly with sticky tape.
- Don’t overfill the boxes. Try to mix heavy items and lighter items in the same box.
- Protect all delicate items, like vases, paintings or crockery with newspaper or bubble wrap.
- As far as possible, organise the boxes by room. You will be grateful you did that when you have to organise everything in your new home.
- Write the room and contents of each box with a marker pen, for example, “kitchen: glasses and mugs”.
- Add the word "Fragile" on all boxes that contain delicate items.

Pack a bag or suitcase with essential items
We know that unpacking an entire house can take several days, so make sure you have to hand the things you might need on moving day and over the next few days. Here are some examples of what you might need:
- Personal hygiene items such as toothbrush or shampoo
- Clothing
- Towels
- Medications you need
- Documentation
- Mobile phone charger
Don’t worry if you forget something important. If you have labelled the boxes properly, you will know where everything is and you will be able to find it easily.
Dismantle the furniture
If you have hired a removals company, clarify with them whether you need to dismantle and pack the furniture. Many removals companies offer this service and will dismantle the furniture for you on moving day. Otherwise, it’s time to call your friends and family so they can give you a hand.
Start emptying the fridge
If you are going to take the fridge with you to your new home, plan your meals according to the food you have left in the fridge and freezer. That way, you can avoid wasting food, since the refrigerator must be empty on the day of the move and some products could go off. Make the most of emptying and switching off the fridge to do a deep clean.
Review your checklist and enjoy the last day in your home
The day before the move, you should have nearly everything organised. To do so, look over your checklist, make sure you have marked off all the boxes and finish putting away the final few things. Make the most of this last day to enjoy and say goodbye to your old home.
Moving day
If you have hired a removals company, make sure you have everything ready for their arrival. Once the house is empty, do a final check of all the rooms to make sure you haven’t left anything in any drawers, wardrobes or storage rooms.
Tackle the day without any stress and don’t worry if anything unexpected arises. Once all your belongings are in your new home, start this new adventure calmly. Take your time to unpack and enjoy the experience. Do it little by little over the first few days and start creating the atmosphere you want in your new home. If it is your first time as a property owner in Spain, you might be interested to find out more about the fixed costs that you will pay as a property owner.
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