PROPERTY prices, housing quality, healthcare and education, living costs and the job market are among the factors that determine where the happiest locations in Spain are, according to research by a leading national...
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PROPERTY prices, housing quality, healthcare and education, living costs and the job market are among the factors that determine where the happiest locations in Spain are, according to research by a leading national...
IMAGINE you're at a pub quiz and the question came up, “Which is the largest building in Spain?”
AN EPIC and completely unexpected result by a relative outsider has given Spain its second bronze medal – Pablo Carreño managed to beat ATP world number one Novak Djoković in three sets, sparking an episode of...
A 'QUALITY of life' survey among residents in Spain's biggest cities shows attitudes have changed since the start of the pandemic, according to national consumer organisation OCU, which conducted the...
A MAINTENANCE man from northern Spain has patented an anti-virus mask which stays on the face using magnets, eliminating the need for elastic ear-loops, ties and head-bands.
HAVE you noticed anything strange about the beach in this picture?
A BAR in northern Spain which banned a customer for life for making sleazy comments to a waitress has been widely applauded for its loyalty to and protection of its staff.
IF YOU DON'T have access to a car or bike, getting to work could mean facing pavement crowds or packed public transport every day, with all the risks that these entail during a pandemic – and, conscious of this,...
AT LEAST five people have died and 15 left seriously injured after a coach crashed into a viaduct in what has been described as one of the worst road traffic accidents this century.
ICE on the track meant long-distance travellers on the Gijón-Alicante train yesterday (Sunday) evening had to get off at León, according to rail board RENFE.
CONTROVERSIAL advice to female lifeguards working on the beaches in Gijón (Asturias) has caused a nationwide stir – head of 'baywatch' surveillance at the city council says ladies should wear trousers to...
A BAR customer rang the police when she was charged what she thought was daylight robbery for a martini cocktail – and officers gave the owners a ticking off, reports national daily newspaper La Nueva España.
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