A GROWING trend towards working from home triggered almost by default in early 2020 means the pull of big, global cities is slackening off – but those which the world's employees remain attracted to are largely in...
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A GROWING trend towards working from home triggered almost by default in early 2020 means the pull of big, global cities is slackening off – but those which the world's employees remain attracted to are largely in...
Araceli Rosario Hidalgo, 96, a resident at the Los Olmos care home in Guadalajara, has become the first person to receive the vaccine against Covid-19 in Spain. “Let's see if we can get rid of this virus for...
The first doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine arrived in a distribution centre in Guadalajara at 7.30am this morning, after spending the night under armed guard at the Guardia Civil Headquarters in Lerma (Burgos).
CROCODILES lived side by side with dinosaurs 95 million years ago, according to archaeologists in the province of Guadalajara who are working on an established prehistoric dig.
IT'S NOT Provence. It's not even Norfolk. But the heady, uplifting and refreshing scent of lavender and the blanket of mauve across acres and acres of countryside, as far as you can see and beyond, might make...
SIX young adults are facing prison and hefty fines for 'occupying' an uninhabited village in ruins in the province of Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha).
AN EARTHQUAKE reaching 3.7 on the Richter scale rocked the central-Spanish town of Yebra (Guadalajara province) this morning (Wednesday).
EUROPE'S biggest inland beach will be open for bathers from the year 2020 in a town well over 400 kilometres from the nearest coast.
'HACTIVIST' group Anonymous has doctored Guadalajara city council's website after a family was hit with a bill for €2,057 for having a relative's body exhumed from a common grave.