Health/Beauty/Fashion news & information for Spain

Eight possible cases of swine flu in Spain
Health & Beauty 27/04/2009
Eight possible cases of swine flu in Spain

Three more possible cases of swine flu (the H1N1 strain) have been reported to the Spanish health authorities, making a total of eight altogether. Three cases were detected earlier this week in Almansa (Albacete),...

Understanding your tests
Health & Beauty 28/05/2004
Understanding your tests

Everyone knows prevention is better than cure, and this year Valencia’s health authorities started a massive health screening programme for the over-forties. This included carrying out blood and urine tests on...

Health & Beauty 29/04/2004
Spain is the noisiest country in the world

Spain is the noisiest country in the world. This was one of the conclusions reached by the First National Congress against Noise, which ended in Zaragoza today. The aim of this conference was to raise awareness among...
