Leisure/Entertainment news & information for Madrid

'Financial Times' falls in love with Madrid plaza
Travel/Tourism 12/01/2022
'Financial Times' falls in love with Madrid plaza

A SQUARE in a Madrid suburb has captivated writers at The Financial Times and been named one of their favourite places for enjoying the fresh air once the pandemic is under control and the public can go back to a...

Free show seats for health workers in Madrid
Entertainment 19/05/2020
Free show seats for health workers in Madrid

HEALTH service workers in the Greater Madrid region will get free entry to concerts, plays, films and other arts and entertainment activities for a whole month after these get back on track in the capital.

George Clooney brings Madrid to a standstill
Entertainment 25/09/2019
George Clooney brings Madrid to a standstill

MADRID ground to a halt yesterday (Tuesday) with traffic jams building up in a central street which was down to one lane – for much more unusual reasons than roadworks or rush hour.
