Rías Altas News & Information

Wolves wander round Galicia town
Animals/Pets 23/04/2020
Wolves wander round Galicia town

PANICKED residents in a Galicia town called the Guardia Civil after seeing two fully-grown wolves strolling down their street – the latest rarely-spotted wild animals to reclaim the streets now humans have vacated...

Galicia re-enacts its 'Battle of Britain'
Entertainment 26/08/2019
Galicia re-enacts its 'Battle of Britain'

ANYONE who found themselves in Ferrol on mainland Spain's far north-western tip this weekend would have been plunged into cannon and rifle fire and surrounded by soldiers – but no armed conflict has been declared...

First beer museum in Spain opens
Food & Drink 03/07/2019
First beer museum in Spain opens

SPAIN'S first-ever beer museum is now open in the far north-western region of Galicia – another great excuse to explore a part of the country not on the Costa package trip trail.
