Animals/Pets news & information for Spain

Black panther on the loose in Granada?
Animals/Pets 14/09/2020
Black panther on the loose in Granada?

A HANDFUL of witnesses swear they have spotted a black panther prowling around the Granada-province town of Ventas de Huelma – despite this predatory feline being native to the jungles of Central and South America.

Wolves wander round Galicia town
Animals/Pets 23/04/2020
Wolves wander round Galicia town

PANICKED residents in a Galicia town called the Guardia Civil after seeing two fully-grown wolves strolling down their street – the latest rarely-spotted wild animals to reclaim the streets now humans have vacated...

Endangered gazelle born at Valencia Bioparc
Animals/Pets 25/03/2020
Endangered gazelle born at Valencia Bioparc

AN ENDANGERED Dama Gazelle has been born at Valencia's Bioparc open-air safari centre – doubly good news, since her birth shows animal life at least is carrying on as normal despite the national lockdown.
